Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Samuel T. Coleridge - The Aeolian Harp

Samuel Coleridge was born in 1772. He was among the most prolific writer of his time. Despite his poor health and his addiction to opium, he never ceased to demonstrate his passion for life, nature and music. The titles of many of his poems confirm his affinity for fine art. Such titles include The Rime of the Ancient Marinere and the Eolian Harp. In the Eolian Harp, he describes his affection for Sara in the following verses: "Thy soft cheek reclined thus on mine arm, most soothing sweet it is". In the second paragraph he went on to say " And now, its strings boldier swept the long sequacious notes over delicious surges sink and rise. The preceding quote indicates that Coleridge had a true understanding of music arrangement. He described the crescendo and decrescendo of the movement of the piece just as a music director would. The author also compared music and nature in verse 20 where he said, Such a soft floating witchery of sound as twilight elfins make, when they at eve voyage on gentle gales from Fairy-Land. Where Melodies round honey-dropping flowers, footless and wild, like birds of Paradise.

Coleridge's work clearly captured the attitude and the true essence of his era. He was a true romantic.


Jonathan.Glance said...


This entry on Coleridge was posted after the deadline of June 23 at midnight. While I will accept it, there will be a late penalty in the grade.

OK first post on Coleridge. I like the way you focus on a single poem by him, and quote some lines from it. It would be better to present the lines more in context and to discuss them in more detail, though. I would also like to see you pursue a central issue or point to help make your post more cohesive; this one seems to mention a diverse range of points, but there is not much to pull them together.

Costen said...

I love Romantic poems. The love in the poems is so touching. The men felt so deeply and it is something that I wish was going on more today. There aren't many love poems circulating nowadays, so every chance I get to read love poems from the past is special to me. Thank you.